Solar Apprentice Program
In our Solar Apprentice Program, we train students in Haiti to install and service solar systems and equip them with the business fundamentals to launch their own businesses. These skilled professionals and entrepreneurs assist us with our donated system installations throughout Haiti, while gaining experience to launch their own solar businesses. Our apprentice’s businesses then further expand access to electricity to Haitian families without electricity.

Only 38.5% of the Haitian population have access to electricity. In many rural parts of Haiti, less than 1% of the families have access to electricity. Our Solar Apprentices plan to change that.
Brighten Haiti is training young women and men to install solar energy and learn business skills, giving them a trade that will last a lifetime. Creating a better life for themselves their families, communities and their country.
The rigorous Solar Apprenticeship Program provides in classroom instruction and hands on experience installing solar on hundreds of schools and clinics across Haiti.
A focus on community engagement and giving back is at the core of our Solar Apprentice Program. Recently our apprentices organized a children’s toothbrush give away and oral good practices event in Titanyen.