Haiti is the poorest nation in the Americas and almost 60% of its population lives in poverty, subsiding on less than $2.4 per day.
“Lespwa fe viv.”
—Haitian proverb meaning, “Hope is alive.”
Learn more about our initiatives to bring solar energy to Haiti.
Brighten Haiti’s Solar4Schools program brings solar electricity to schools throughout Haiti, especially targeting less funded rural communities. Brighten Haiti’s current campaign to deploy 109 solar systems throughout rural Haiti is the largest solar for schools initiative in Haiti’s history.
Solar Apprentice Program
In 2021 we launched our Solar Apprentice Program where we train students in Haiti to install solar systems and equip them to launch their own businesses.
Solar ReUSE Program
Each year the US generates over 13,000 tons of solar panel waste, most of which goes to landfill. Brighten Haiti screens these used solar panels to identify safe and productive systems that can reused to electrify homes, schools, and hospitals in Haiti.